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quote icon Meaning of Eternal Punishment. Because God’s punishment is eternal punishment, it does not necessarily follow that the being who receives it is consigned to it eternally. For instance, a prison might stand for a hundred years. It might be a place of punishment. A person consigned to that prison might go in there and expiate his crime in the prison by suffering a certain punishment, and after the time pronounced as the punishment had expired he could emerge therefrom. Still the prison exists. So it is with God’s punishment. His punishment is eternal punishment, because He is eternal; but it does not follow, as the Lord has said with great plainness, that a person who is consigned thereto will endure it eternally. The Lord Jesus Christ has died for all men, and He will draw all men unto Him. But there are degrees of punishment affixed to sin; and in proportion to men's crimes they will be punished. But they will not be consigned to endless punishment-that is, to suffer it eternally.

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