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quote icon All must have the opportunity to accept the gospel. Several years ago, in company with President S. Dilworth Young and his wife, we toured the New England Mission. At Glace Bay on Cape Breton Island we were introduced to a lovely sister who had been studying the gospel with our missionaries and had been very much attracted to them, but as we talked with her about her understanding of what they had taught, she said: “I cannot accept the part of your teachings about the gospel of the second chance. As we talked on, I discovered that what she was alluding to were the teachings of the missionaries with reference to the statement of the Savior [quotes John 5:25-26] concerning the preaching of the gospel to the dead]. I answered her, “You misunderstand our teachings. We don’t believe in the gospel of the second chance. We do not believe in the gospel of the first chance, but we believe in a chance or full opportunity for everyone to hear and to accept the gospel.

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