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quote icon The priesthood not only has power to seal the faithful to specific blessings in the resurrection but “to seal both on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious.” Concerning this expression of the sealing power, Joseph Smith said: “This spirit of Elijah was manifest in the days of the Apostles, in delivering certain ones to the buffetings of Satan, that they might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. They were sealed by the spirit of Elijah unto the damnation of hell until the day of the Lord, or revelation of Jesus Christ” … Those who are sealed to eternal life stand in a more responsible relationship with God than those who have not achieved this objective. Should man sin wilfully after being sealed to eternal life, it is not consistent with divine truth and mercy for the atonement of Christ to pay the debt of such transgressions, and man himself must be responsible for satisfying the demands of divine justice. The law of God therefore requires that such individuals be delivered to the buffetings of Satan until the day of their redemption. Such provisions also apply to those who make their calling and election sure to the relationship of eternal marriage.

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