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quote icon The doctrine of baptism for the dead was first made known to the Saints in a discourse by the Prophet at the funeral of Elder Seymour Brunson, August 10, 1840. This doctrine was not understood by him until after the restoration of the keys and the Priesthood of Elijah in the Kirtland Temple, although it had been referred to since the night of the first appearance of Moroni. In this revelation of January, 1841, the Lord revealed greater light regarding this wonderful principle. It was here made known that this ordinance was to be performed in the temple of the Lord. A baptismal font for this purpose was to be placed in the basement of the temple, “as a simile of the grave, and was commanded to be in a place underneath where the living are wont to assemble, to show forth the living and the dead; and that all things may have their likeness, and that they may accord one with another; that which is earthly conforming to that which is heavenly” (Doc. and Cov. Sec. 128:13).

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