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quote icon This makes a very serious matter of receiving this covenant and this Priesthood; for those who receive it must, like God himself, abide in it, and must not fail, and must not be moved out of the way; for those who receive this oath and covenant and turn away from it, and cease to do righteously and to honor this covenant, and will to abide in sin, and repent not, there is no forgiveness for them, either in this life or in the world to come. That is the language of this book, [The Doctrine and Covenants] and this is the doctrine and truth which was revealed from God to men through the instrumentality of Joseph Smith the Prophet. And this word is reliable. It is God’s word in truth; and it becomes necessary for all those who enter into this covenant to understand this word that they may indeed abide in it, and may not be turned out of the way.

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