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quote icon Question. But inasmuch as it is the object of God to save men, why not send the gospel to each generation here and in the next world also? Answer. Because if they reject the gospel here, they have not the privilege of entering into the prison in the spirit world, and of again hearing the gospel among those who never heard it while in the flesh: God’s justice requires those who reject the gospel to be damned, instead of being favored with a prison among those who are less guilty. Those in prison are in an intermediate state: they are not saved, neither are they irrevocably lost: but when the gospel is preached to them it will decide their fate, redeeming those who receive it; and damning those who reject it; the one rising to light, glory, and happiness—And the other falling to darkness, damnation, and misery … It will be perceived that the message of the gospel either saves or damns, instead of sending their sprits to an intermediate state. Question. Is this intermediate state, which is called in the scriptures a prison, a place of punishment? Answer. Yes: but the severity of the punishment is not as great as is experienced among those who are sent to hell.

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