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quote icon After the War in Heaven was over, a third major assembly was held, in the form of a Grand Organizational Council. [The first major assembly was the “Grand Council of the Gods” wherein only the Noble and Great Spirits were in attendance; the second major assembly was the “General Conference” wherein the plan of salvation was put forth by God to all God’s sons and daughters along with the relevant decisions of the “Grand Council of the Gods”]. Those who then convened under the direction of the Father were His spirit children who had kept their first estate and were to receive the endowments of physical life on earth … In referring to the Grand Organizational Council, Joseph Smith said: “At the first organization in heaven we were all present, and saw the Savior chosen and appointed and the plan of salvation made, and we sanctioned it.” This was not the Grand Council of the Gods, for we were not all present at that council; nor was the plan of salvation presented in that council to all the Father’s spirit children and “sanctioned” by them. Final ratification of the proposed program of life and salvation did not take place until after the War in Heaven, and those who sanctioned it were those who kept their first estate.

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