The Lord has promised us that which we learn in this world will be a benefit to us in the worlds to come.
Sometimes, life's greatest lessons come to us at the most dreadful times of our lives...How we respond at such times of crisis determines if such challenges will be times for progression or merely times of suffering.
Much of the success in life comes from simply showing up, working hard and paying attention. Invariably, what we learn in school or on the job can assist us later, sometimes in circumstances we do not expect...But the 'school of hard knocks' will not teach us all we need to know to return back to the presence of the Father. The Lord does not desire we simply be acted upon in order to learn.
You, alone, are responsible for your spiritual growth and accumulation of worldly knowledge...
...studying shouldn't stop with the scriptures. Education comes as individuals seek to understand all points of view and study out of all of the 'best books'. The Lord does not want the members of His Church to be ignorant and uninformed. We have a responsibility to know what is going on in our world. We cannot be experts in all things, but an expanded general knowledge will help us to be better parents, citizens, teachers and members of the Church.
Participate in class discussions in Sunday School, Priesthood and Relief Society. The Spirit comes in greater abundance when class members come prepared to act, not just be acted upon. By participating in class discussions during Sunday worship, individuals fulfill the charge in the Doctrine and Covenants to teach one another. Read the lessons beforehand, and come prepared to share your insights in the class discussion. Participation in a gospel-teaching setting provides added opportunities for the Holy Ghost to act upon those in attendance. A question or comment expressed during a class discussion can many times be more effective than the best and most well-prepared gospel lecture. We cannot afford to come to gospel classes simply expecting to be entertained. Real learning occurs if we come prepared and then to participate in the gospel discussion.