Relationships, someone once said, never die a natural death. They are murdered by ego, attitude and ignorance.
Some people say the “political correctness” wave of recent years has turned them off because they feel others are trying to shame them into accepting values they might not otherwise embrace.
Sometimes being PC sounds like “safe talk”—evading the truth by dropping hints or beating around the bush, trying to minimize discomfort and avoid conflict. This can also come across as manipulative or not genuine.
“Blunt talk” is also ineffective and equally damaging. In my experience working with leaders, people sometimes say, “I’m direct.” But this isn’t the same as being honest. You can be honest, but you can also be thoughtful in your communication. When you’re blunt, you rarely consider the impact on the other person. What should we be going for? Straight talk: Saying the right thing to the right person in the right place, respectfully, accurately, and clearly. Your message is based on fact, data, and empathy. The person receives it, feels respected, and knows you have the best intentions and you have their back.
You get what you work for, not what you wish for.
When the tide goes out, we discover who’s been without a bathing suit all along.