We trace the hand of the Almighty in framing the constitution of our land, and believe that the Lord raised up men purposely for the accomplishment of this object, raised them up and inspired them to frame the constitution of the United States…We look upon George Washington, the father of our country, as an inspired instrument of the Almighty; we can see the all-inspiring Spirit operating upon him. And upon his co-workers in resisting oppression, and in establishing the thirteen colonies as a confederacy; and then again the workings of the same Spirit upon those men who established the constitution of the United States.
When the gospel is preached to the spirits in prison, the success attending that preaching will be far greater than that attending the preaching of our elders in this life. I believe there will be very few indeed of those spirits who will not gladly receive the gospel when it is carried to them. The circumstances there will be a thousand times more favorable.
The Lord designs to bring us up into the celestial kingdom. He has made known, through direct revelation, that we are His offspring, begotten in the eternal worlds, that we have come to this earth for the special purpose of preparing ourselves to receive a fullness of our Father’s glory when we shall return into His presence.
“Every principle that is revealed from the heavens is for our benefit, for our life, for our salvation, and for our happiness,”
“The Priesthood in general is the authority given to man to act for God … But it is necessary that every act performed under this authority shall be done at the proper time and place, in the proper way, and after the proper order. The power of directing these labors constitutes the keys of the Priesthood. In their fulness, the keys are held by only one person at a time, the Prophet and President of the Church.”
As man now is, God once was; As God now is, man may be.
Every principle that is revealed from the heavens is for our benefit, for our life, for our salvation, and for our happiness.
Zion must be established, her lands inhabited, her cities built, her temples reared, and her sons become mighty and powerful; that she may rise “fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners.” And all nations shall fear and tremble, and stand afar off in the day of her majesty.
We are the offspring of God, begotten by Him in the spirit world, where we partook of His nature as children here partake of the likeness of their parents.
We are the offspring of God, born with the same faculties and powers as He possesses, capable of enlargement through the experience that we are now passing through in our second estate … He has begotten us in His own image. He has given us faculties and powers that are capable of enlargement until His fullness is reached which He has promised—until we shall sit upon thrones, governing and controlling our posterity from eternity to eternity, and increasing eternally.
"Trials and tribulations have been the experience of the Latter-day Saints. God so designed that it should be. I daresay that in the [premortal] spirit world, when it was proposed to us to come into this probation, and pass through the experience that we are now receiving, it was not altogether pleasant and agreeable; the prospects were not so delightful in all respects as might have been desired. Yet there is no doubt that we saw and understood clearly there that, in order to accomplish our exaltation and glory, this was a necessary experience; and however disagreeable it might have appeared to us, we were willing to conform to the will of God, and consequently we are here"
Character approved of God is worth securing, even at the expense of a lifetime of constant self-denial.