Whenever you detect an inconsistency or error, you have found a tiny something of value. Not (of course) absolutely valuable, but another mutable piece of an infinite jigsaw. There are always new errors to hunt. You can never become bored!
If you blindly trust philosophers, they’ll let you down even more rapidly than other purveyors of wisdom. Particularly useless are philosophers who have lurked in universities their whole life.
Not all systems are of equal value. We’re currently so paralysed by the ‘relativist’ view that in some way “all cultures and ideas are similarly valuable” that we tolerate utter nonsense because we don’t want to be seen to be politically incorrect.
If you don’t have free will, well then all of your investigation of free will is pre-determined, so you’re done, and any ‘decision’ you make isn’t actually yours to make. Conversely, if you do have free will, but agonize about not having it, you’re wasting your time...