A correct belief that God is God over all, the Creator and upholder of all things, makes one's faith unwavering.
Natural languages, such as English are inherently ambiguous. "This is why the United States tax code is 3.4 million words long, but lawyers can still spend years arguing over what it really means."
Timing matters just as much as the decision to serve or not.
Understanding God's attributes and perfections, gets rid of any doubt that may come because of the weaknesses of men, and thus makes one's faith *exceedingly strong*.
If you feel overwhelmed take it as a good sign.
Primul lucru pe care il aruncam atunci când ajungem acasă este principiul de a stabili teluri.
Successful people aim high and either miss or hit it, either way they're successful.
No parent is going to tell you how much they have sacrificed for you.