Remember that it is the intelligence that you acquire that is eternal, the truth which you learn here and apply in your lives, the knowledge and experience you gain and profit by---these you will take with you when you go home.
Satan looks for our weak points. We will all be tempted; no man is free from temptation. The adversary will use every means possible to deceive us; he tried to do that with the Savior of the world without success. He has tried it on many other men who have possessed divine authority, and sometimes he finds a weak spot and the individual loses what might have been a great blessing if he had been faithful.
“The time will come when the Latter-day Saints will build, in Independence, Mo., a holy city. That will one day be the center stake of Zion, the center spot of the New Jerusalem which God is to build on this land. We can only be prepared for that work by being united.”
The constitution is as much from God as the Ten Commandments.
"I pray that our homes may be sanctified by the righteousness of our lives, that the adversary may have no power to come there and destroy the children of our homes or those who dwell under our roofs. If we will honor God and keep his commandments, our homes will be sacred, the adversary will have no influence, and we will live in happiness and peace until the winding-up scene in mortality and we go to receive our reward in immortality"
“I think I'd like to repeat something I've told many times, as a guide to some of these younger men. It was an expression of advice of my own grandfather, for whom I was named. He said there's a line of demarcation well defined between the Lord's territory and the devil's territory. He said, if you will stay on the Lord's side of the line, the adversary cannot come near to tempt you. You're perfectly safe from him, as long as you stay on the Lord's side of the line. But he said, if you cross onto the devil's side of the line, you're in his territory, and you're in his power. And he will work on you, get you just as far from that line as he possibly can, knowing that he can succeed only in destroying you by keeping you away from the place where there is safety.”
"You observe people running to and fro in the world, seeking happiness but not finding it. If they would only pause long enough to accept the Lord's advice happiness would follow, but they will find it in no other way" Ex: Painted Lady butterflies migration through Bountiful
In the language of a great prophet of Israel I would say to the Latter-day Saints, get the Spirit of God in your hearts and keep it; it will guide us into all truth; it will be a panacea for all our ills; it will enable us to look forward to the coming of the risen Redeemer confident that he shall come again in the clouds of heaven. Possessing that Spirit, our ambition will not be a selfish one, but with charity in our hearts for all mankind, love for all our Father's children, we will mingle with them day by day, and the influence we radiate will be one of love and kindness that will have its influence for good upon every child of our Father with whom we come in contact.