The Lord and one good man, we are told, are a great majority, so it does not matter so much to him how many there are on his side.
Let us manfully man the [old] ship Zion
...the way has been opened through the ordinances of the House of God, for the full flow of His Spirit...
“The Gospel makes men and women free—free from sin—the greatest of all tyrants; and there is no greater slave on the earth than the man who is under the control of his own passions…”
Do you think the Lord will stop in his work? NO; his ship will be manned, whether we man it or not.
Men may indulge in things they call happiness, but there is often no real happiness in in them, for they bring punishment along in the sting they leave behind. It is not so with proper enjoyments - enjoyments within the scope of reason and right, where there is no infringement upon each other.
Evil will work out its own overthrow. The wicked will prey upon each other to their own destruction . . . This is just as natural as any principle of philosophy that exists, and it is bound to come to pass … No man can afford to do an evil act … “Turn ye, turn ye, from your evil ways, for why will ye die?” (Ezek. 33:11).
“We go out to the nations of the earth and preach the Gospel, a good many receive it and gather to Zion. But their trials begin when they get here, for this is the threshing floor.”