A few years ago, a sister in Canada was getting ready to help with a baptism in her ward. Her husband of 40 years informed her that he wouldn't be going this time, he was tired and wanted to stay home. He had supported her for years in her membership of the church but rejected the whole idea of a god that would send his son to suffer and die. She left and he settled into his easy chair, tired from the day's chores on the ranch. As it started to snow, he mentally checked the barn, the animals, etc. But he was suddenly brought to attention with a loud bang on the large front window. He ran to look, in time to see a large Canadian goose recovering from the collision. He noted that the snow had turned into a blizzard that blinded everything. As he watched, barely able to make out moving shadows through the snow, he could see that the flock had landed in his front yard and were huddling down for survival. But, without protection they would certainly die. He only hesitated for a moment as he donned his heavy snow clothes and entered the powerful wind and blinding snow. He first went to the barn and opened the door. Then he ran back and began to chase, and drive the geese into the barn. But, one by one they would leave the intended trajectory and destination to take their own path and direction. After a half-hour of meaningless running, he finally sat down midst the settling flock as discouraged as they would become, as the cold seeped into his bones. Suddenly, an idea came to him. He rose and went in search of one of his prized geese. Cradling it in his arms, he returned to the now freezing flock, and set the chosen and now suffering bird on the ground at the edge farthest from the barn. It knew the warmth and safety that awaited it and noisily but quickly wound its way through the huddling birds back to the security of the barn. Seeing and hearing one of their own, the flock lined up and followed this new leader into warmth, light, safety, and life. Patting himself on the back, this man happily settled back into the warmth of his fire and comfort of his chair. As he drifted into a much-deserved semi-conscious state, he was struck with a realization that unpredictably timed to correspond with the safe arrival home of his wife. She was stunned into a grateful but weeping silence as he exclaimed, 'Call the missionaries, I finally get it!! His precious son is the way, the truth, and the life! Driving us to heaven can never work!! We needed one willing to come, endure, and show the way! I finally understand enough to want to follow him! I testify that His plan is really THE plan that leads to everlasting happiness!
The Sermon at the Temple is not only the most important address ever given on this planet, according to Elder McConkie,[ii] but its organization is powerful.
Just as family work increases the bonding time between family members so it is with recreation. So why should we separate them as values? ... While work primarily bonds the minds, and yields a product, recreation bonds the hearts and strengthens relationships.
I asked them if living the gospel was hard. One inmate said, “It is living the gospel that makes life worth it. If you want hard, I will show you hard. It is a life of bad influences, bad habits, and growing addictions that only make one desperate and finally criminal. A life where your family, your children and sweetheart abandon you, where your brothers and sisters are afraid of what you have become. No! Hard is living without the gospel.” I testify that the Gospel of Jesus Christ really is a plan of happiness!!!
He nodded; so I asked, “Since baptism is the entry door to God’s kingdom, and he loves all His children, why is it that less than 8% of the 110 billion people that have been born on the earth have ever heard of Christ or baptism? Shouldn’t God, in His justice, provide a way for all his children to be baptized?” “I had never thought of that,” he exclaimed. “Either baptism isn’t that necessary, or there must be another way provided?” I shared 1 Peter 4:6 “For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit.” “That provides for all His children to receive the gospel truths, but what of the gospel ordinances?” We turned to 1 Corinthians 15:29 and wondered at the meaning of “baptism for the dead.” “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?” Then I pointed to the font and shared that the purpose of that font was ancestral and an evidence that God loves all His children! Can a church that does not provide the required ordinances for the ancestral majority of God’s children really be Christ’s church – a Christian church?
I asked, “Are you familiar with DC128:12-13?” “this ordinance was instituted to form a relationship with the ordinance of baptism for the dead, being in likeness of the dead. Consequently, the baptismal font was instituted as a similitude of the grave, and was commanded to be in a place underneath where the living are wont to assemble, to show forth the living and the dead, and that all things may have their likeness, and that they may accord one with another…”
So, I suggested, “The womb is your past, and the tomb is your future – two mirrors. Do you realize that while you stood in the font with the name of an ancestor, you stood in the united symbol of their tomb and womb; thus, bringing their past and future into the present. It is only in the present that we can change anything. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Jehovah, and through a divine priesthood mortal ordinance, you inserted baptism into their past, thereby changing their entire future. Thank you, young people!”
“Why do you have cows in your basement?” I was, at first, taken aback by the question but then chuckled with amusement. “That is a good question,” I remarked, “How many do you see?” He counted, and then looked more carefully until he could estimate questioningly, “twelve?” “Did you know that twelve was a Hebrew number meaning ‘government’ or ‘authority’? For example, twelve apostles, twelve tribes, etc.?” “Oh, I see, but why cows?” I corrected him, “Those are oxen, but any male horned animal could have been used. As sacrificial animals, they represented Jehovah.[1] Do you believe that baptism is vital as the entrance ordinance to God’s kingdom?” “I am Christian. Yes, I think that Christ taught that it was essential,” he replied cautiously. We remembered John 3:5 together:
“The language of the temple is symbolism; so, putting those facts together, can you see that the portal ordinance to the kingdom of God sits on the government of Jehovah?” I asked.
“So, if baptism is a symbol of rebirth, then it must represent the womb as well as the tomb.” They were standing entranced by the idea. I asked, “Have you ever stood between two mirrors and looked into the eternity of reflections?” They each nodded in recognition; so, I asked, “What would happen if you changed the mirror behind you?” One volunteered, “It would change everything…everything in the future mirrors.”
“So, it is in the basement as a symbol of the tomb for both reasons: the burial of the natural man, and the fact that we are giving the ordinance to ancestors who didn’t or couldn’t include it in their past life. Does this mean that when you take their name into the water you are entering their tomb?”