To the extent you willingly engage in the Lord’s work, He will make more out of you than you can ever make of yourself…
You have to develop under the influence of the spirit if you want the spirit to show through in the final product.
Using the young Prophet Joseph Smith as the primary example of someone who successfully withstood such forces, Elder Christensen reviewed several principles and attributes that helped Joseph stand strong during times of adversity: He pondered and reflected deeply on many of the questions and issues of his day. He searched for answers in scripture and from reliable sources. He had faith he could ask God and receive answers to his prayers. His questions were thoughtful and based in doctrine as he was tutored from on high. He was humble and obedient to the instructions and answers he received. He was continually aware of his own weaknesses and vulnerability. He was refined by extremely difficult experiences and lessons learned. He gained an irrefutable testimony of the work he had been called to do.
To the extent you willingly engage in the Lord's work, He will make more out of you than you can ever make of yourself. The fact is that we really cannot comprehend what the Lord has in mind for us. That's why we have to trust Him — be open to His guidance, to His will, even if it surprises us. ... God will lead you along if you will put your trust in Him.