Much as we want to, we can't decide for anyone on this earth except ourselves. ~ Pa Thatcher
Looking back does no good. ~ Pa Thatcher
If God Himself has enough faith in folks not to interfere with their choices - even when He may hate and despise those choices - why, I have to do the same. ~ Pa Thatcher
If we never talk about (the dead)it's like (they) never lived. ~ Donald McKenna
God's ways aren't our ways....He sends what we need when we need it most....Never envy other's experiences but seek and find your own. ~ Pa Thatcher
You never appreciate light until you are in darkness....We just take it for granted until it's gone. Or maybe we don't think about it at all. ~ Tad Thorson
God created male and female to be joined in His plan of marriage and to sustain one another.
God gives the greatest responsibility of all when a child is born. ~ Trinity Mason
The good Lord brings good from evil, I reckon. ~ Pa Thatcher
It's better to trust folks and sometimes have them let you down than to go through this life never trusting anyone. ~ Pa Thatcher
If the milk spills, don't cry over it. Just get a mop and do something about it. ~ Ma Thatcher
It's the hard times that bring you together - and the little things...the secret of real in sharing whatever life offers and going on when you aren't sure you can." ~ Grandma Clarissa
A body who sits around and moans too long about things that can't be changed is a disgrace to God....We're supposed to have faith. How do you think God feels when we snivel and complain instead of hanging on to His coattails for dear life until He makes things better? ~ Grandma Clarissa
It's up to every generation to raise truth higher and brighter - for the times ahead will be dark. ~ Grandma Clarissa
When we serve God, we're never out of work. ~ Trinity Thatcher
All good shepherds carry the sorrow of the community.
Lack of formal schooling is no excuse for ignorance. ~ Teacher
Never let the torch go out....It may flicker and get low but God's Holy Spirit will renew you and give you the strength and courage to go on. ~ Grandma Clarissa
After the mountaintop comes the valley. ~ Pa Thatcher