So, what can the corporate world count on AI to do? Simple: it can sweat the small stuff. Keep it in the cage of a small app with defined parameters, and AI can really be that tool for that thing you really don't want to do. Mundane tasks, data crunching, and minor training can be automated in ways that may save a few employee-hours every week, but that adds up to big efficiencies.
One thing that is becoming clearer at the managerial level: the full-on jobs apocalypse we feared isn't happening just yet, in large part because of the need to stand by the machine and check its output. Platforms are becoming more realistic about the need to monitor and tweak AI apps in case of self-injury.
These small apps are augmentations, not replacements. You're unlikely to lay off your HR department just because AI can help them create training modules; there are plenty more really good business and legal reasons to have humans run your Human Resources.