Jesus spoke to the winds and they obeyed him. He walked upon the water. Out of five loaves and two fishes he made a great feast, "And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. And they that did eat of the loaves were about five thousand men." All this was done upon natural principles, and we would be able to comprehend this if we understood natural principles thoroughly.
We are accused of following our leaders in ‘blind obedience.’ There is no such thing in the Gospel.
The doctrine of belief without works is a strong delusion. There is more to do, according to the Gospel, than merely to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is necessary. That is the foundation, it is the root of the matter, but it is not all the matter.
It is the voice of the Lord and the voice of the people together in this church that sanctions all things therein.
“As I have previously explained, God is not everywhere present personally, but He is omnipresent in the power of that spirit – the Holy Spirit – which animates all created things.”
“When you go right down to the primary elements, they never had a beginning, they will never have an end. For in their primal condition they are not ‘created’.”
”Spirit is a substance, it is not immaterial; it may have some properties that are different from that which we see and handle, which we call matter, but it is a reality, a substantial reality.”
If the inhabitants of the earth will walk according to the light that God has given to them, whether by the spirit that came to them naturally in their birth, or by that higher endowment called the gift of the Holy Ghost, they will receive a still greater degree of power and light, and their pathway will become brighter and brighter even to the perfect day. If there be any darkness in them, it is because they walk in the ways of darkness, because they do the deeds of evil. No man can come unto God unless he has put away his sins and his follies and is willing to be taught of God. If he thinks that God will come to his terms and accept his whims and notions, he will make a failure of it.
Elder C. W. Penrose, an accepted writer on Mormon doctrine, writes, "It is by His Holy Spirit, which permeates all things, and is the life and light of all things, that Deity is everywhere present. * * By that agency God sees and knows and governs all things."
“As I have previously explained, God is not every where present personally, but He is omnipresent in the power of that spirit—the Holy Spirit—which animates all created things … This Spirit which pervades all things which is the light and life of all things, by which our Heavenly Father operates, by which He is omnipotent, never had a beginning and never will have an end. It is the light of truth; it is the spirit of intelligence … Now, this Spirit always existed; it always operated, but it is not, understood, and cannot be comprehended except through organisms. … If you see a man you behold its most perfect earthly manifestation. And if you see a glorified man, … who has passed through the various grades of being, who has overcome all things who has been raised from the dead, who has been quickened by this Spirit in its fulness, there you see manifested, in its perfection, this eternal, beginningless, endless spirit of intelligence. Such a Being is our Father and our God, and we are following in His footsteps.”
As I have previously explained, God is not every where present personally, but He is omnipresent in the power of that spirit—the Holy Spirit—which animates all created things … This Spirit which pervades all things which is the light and life of all things, by which our Heavenly Father operates, by which He is omnipotent, never had a beginning and never will have an end. It is the light of truth; it is the spirit of intelligence … Now, this Spirit always existed; it always operated, but it is not, understood, and cannot be comprehended except through organisms. … If you see a man you behold its most perfect earthly manifestation. And if you see a glorified man, … who has passed through the various grades of being, who has overcome all things who has been raised from the dead, who has been quickened by this Spirit in its fulness, there you see manifested, in its perfection, this eternal, beginningless, endless spirit of intelligence. Such a Being is our Father and our God, and we are following in His footsteps.